Asset Management: Hardware Asset Searching and Analysis


IP-guard v2.84

Ø          To display the hardware information of a computer, right click the target computer from The Whole Network tree and then select the ShowàAsset Management.


Ø          The Asset Management windows will display the hardware information in a table format. (see Figure 1)

Figure 1


Ø          Users can select the items in the Asset Information Items form by clicking the Select Items button. (see Figure 2)


Figure 2


IP-guard V3


Ø          To display the hardware information of a computer, click Tools à Assets on the menu bar. In Asset Management windows, select Assets à Hardware, then the windows will display the hardware information of the computer. (see Figure 3)


Figure 3


Ø          Compare with IP-guard V2.84, IP-guard V3 provide more hardware information and properties. Users can search  the hardware information by using the Query Conditions windows (see Figure 4)

Please show one example about the hardware query


Figure 4


Ø          Also, Users can display the full hardware information of a target computer. (see Figure 5a / 5b)


Figure 5a

Figure 5b