Q: How to update the annual maintenance date?

A:  Procedures to update the IP-guard annual maintenance:


  1. Please restart the IP-guard service in the server
  2. Go to Help->Update Maintenance Service Period in the Console menu.
  3. In the popup (same as picture below), please choose ‘Online update’ and click the ‘Update’ button.
  4. Close the Console
  5. Login Console and check for Help->Aboutfor the annual maintenance date


If your server is offline, then please provide us the information inside the IP-guard registration window (Right click Windows bottom right IP-guard Service Controller->Tools ->Register), including:

Primary SN:





Computer ID:

We will reply for the maintenance code.

Once you get the maintenance code, you can follow the procedures below to update the IP-guard annual maintenance:


  1. Please restart the IP-guard service in the server
  2. Go to Help->Update Maintenance Service Period in the Console menu.
  3. In the popup (same as picture below), please choose ‘Enter the maintenance code to manually update’.
  4. Copy the Maintenance Codewe provided to the text area.
  5. Close the Console
  6. Click the ‘Update’ button.
  7. Please restart the IP-guard service in the server and login Console
  8. In Console menu, click Help->Aboutand check for the new annual maintenance date
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