〉 Login IP-guard V3 Console, select the target computer (group) or user (group) that you want to apply the policy. Click on Advanced Policy > Document > New

〉 Enter the policy name from the Property window. Select “Allow” for Mode value. Check the Alert check box, select the appropriate Alert Level. Input the folder path and folder name that needs to backup in the File Name property. The format should be “Drive letter:\path\ folder name\* ” (e.g. H:\Protected\*). Check Backup before modify and Backup before delete

〉 Click the tick icon to save and apply the policy

〉 When user going to delete the document(s). The IP-guard V3 will prompt the alert message at the same time. Administrator can click on the message to read details

〉 The Alert message box revealed all alert events. Administrator can trace when the user tried to delete the file

〉 To retrieve the backup document, go to Events Log > Document, double click the target document

〉 Press the Copy button. Administrator can choose to open or save the document in specific location